Cashopolis secondhand store

How well do you know Cashopolis?

Top 7 reasons why comparing Cashopolis Second Hand Shop to pawn shops is like comparing apples to oranges.

✅ Our friendly crew will appraise your items for free, either in-store or via email. 📩

Do pawn shops appraise items via email?

✅ Our stores are clean and located in safe, highly convenient locations on popular streets (or adjacent to them) and are usually nestled among other beloved brands.

For example, our store in Saskatoon is located at 1521 Idylwyld Dr N, just one block away from Tims. 🍩

Are most pawn shops located on popular streets and nestled among beloved brands? 😊

✅ We tend to pay more for items than pawn shops because we buy items outright.

A typical pawn shop transaction works like this: you bring them your items, they give you a loan. And because their interest rates and other finance charges tend to be high, one of the most significant drawbacks of a pawn shop loan is its cost.

✅ Our brand is often one of the most beloved speciality retailers in our community.

Did you know that the Cashopolis Saskatoon FB page is both very active & almost 10,000 people strong?

Are any pawn shops in Saskatoon as loved as Cashopolis Saskatoon?

✅ Our brand consistently & visibly gives back to our customers and our communities.

One way we do that is via practically never-ending giveaways. They’re fantabulous, and, again, you don’t need to take our word for it: just check out our FB page.

How do pawn shops give back to our communities?

✅ Your shopping satisfaction is guaranteed and clearly spelled out at Cashopolis.

Do pawn shops guarantee your shopping satisfaction?

✅ Just like many beloved brands, Cashopolis has a special membership service level called LEVEL UP, which gives even more perks to the folks who love to shop at our store often.

Do you know of anyone who is a member of a pawn shop?

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