Cashopolis secondhand store

Fun & Care

Shoppers these days are like butterflies. Most will fly away from a store at the slightest hint of a fuss. And usually for good. 🙃 (You’re nodding, aren’t you?)

We get that. 💯

Not being accommodating and not offering value is the same as being invisible for a store.

And that’s why we go out of our way to make EVERY visit to our store and our digital outposts (e.g. our website, FB page, etc.) surprisingly pleasant and valuable.

That’s not us talking. That’s our customers talking. ⬇️

“We just traded in electronics and instruments we weren’t using anymore toward a Nintendo Switch! We got great trade-in value for our items. The staff is SO helpful! The store is clean and well organized. There is a huge gaming selection. So happy with our Cashopolis experience!” -Melissa Pederson (Via FB mentions & Google reviews)

Slightly Famous
For Fun and Care ✨

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